Following the newly-released college brand guides, this catalogue accompanies the Pennsylvania College of Art & Design senior exhibition. 20/20 Vision highlights one artwork from each of the 63 seniors who received their BFA in Graphic Design, Animation & Game Art, Fine Art, Photography & Video, and Illustration.
During the development of this catalogue, I worked closely with Gallery Director Alana Coates, who communicated with students and faculty, and a professional copywriter for this publication. We collaborated on designs and layouts to create PCA&D's first-ever gallery catalogue.
In addition, I created social media posts to coincide with the catalogue.

The featured artists include Emily Ament, Maria Rose Barba, Tyler L. Birky, Zoë Bittner, Corinne Carmiche, Justin A. Carney, Ashley Cheeseman, Parker Ciampaglia, Liz Clark, Alex Conn, Maximilian A. Crandall, Ashley Crist, Madison P. Crone, Rachel Ann D’Agnilli, Kelly Davis, Lindsay Dawson, Hannah DiGirolamo, Mercedes Dixon, Sage Aries Dougherty, Jarrett Dreese, Fiona Duckworth, Lauren Rose Duffy, Elizabeth Fino, Grant Fisher, Kevin A. Foss, Noël Fry, Sarah Christine Garrett, Karim Gavins, Dyneisha Gross, Hannah High, Willa Hutchison, Sarah Kelly, Brendon Alexander Lane, Tyler Le, Emma F. Leadem, Adam Leitzel, Carolyn “Cali” Loftus, Elizabeth Miller, Olivia Montalvo, Anthony Nardo, Kaitlyn O’Donnell, Amy L. Obuch, Lanna Peck, Truman Sappey, Heather Schroeder, Kyra Shackelford, Madison Sheakley, Jacqueline Shrader, Ashley Slimmer, Em Sohn, Brianna Souchuck, Robin Starr, Rainey Supple, Dana Timpert, Fionna Tram, Cindy Tran, Quinn Waltman, Amanda Weir, Nikkole Weisman, Nick Whartenby, Rachel Wolfe, Jeff Yosco, and Honoria Yunkin.